Skip Navigation While stationed in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, John stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED) and lost his legs and left arm. Immediately after the explosion, he aided his Medical Sergeant and teammates in treating his own wounds – actions that clearly saved his life.
Last week, MSG John Masson received his new smart home through the Building for America's Bravest program. Our Carpet One Floor & Home store owners and staff were there the welcome John home.
John will be enjoying the holidays this year in a home specially designed to his unique needs. Carpet One Floor & Home is proud to have installed the beautiful floors and tile in the home. A special thanks to J.B. Short Carpet One Floor & Home in Southern Pines, NC and Carpet One by Henry in Greensboro, NC for their hard work on this project. For more information on the Building for America's Bravest program and Carpet One Floor & Home's commitment to installing the flooring in all the homes built by the program, please visit CarpetOne.com/our-bravest.
From left to right: Mary Ann Schneider, Carpet One Floor & Home; Tim Short, Renee Short and Suzanne McFay of J.B Short Carpet One in Southern Pines; and Henry Scott, Carpet One by Henry in Greensboro NC.
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